Terms of Service

Perfomante video ads UAB, located at K. Kalinausko St. 24-401 (Embassy House), Vilnius LT-03107, Lithuania, company registration number: 305711671, VAT number: LT100014232313 ("ScreenStory"), offers a personalized subscription service. This service enables users to access our Application over the Internet. The usage of our Application, as well as any agreements related to it, are governed by these Terms of Service.

Acceptance of the Terms of Service is voluntary, but it is a prerequisite for accessing and using the Services. You will also be asked to confirm your acceptance of these Terms when setting up an Account. The following Terms govern all use of the Application. By using any of ScreenStory applications or accessing any of our websites, you agree to be bound by and comply with these Terms of Service. Violation of any of the terms and conditions below will result in the termination of your Account and immediate cessation of Services.

If you have questions or complaints about these Terms, our application (website), our services, or any agreements you have with us, or if you need further information, you can reach us at team@screenstory.io.


  • Account: A registered profile of a User on the Application.
  • Agreement: A contract established between ScreenStory and User for the provision of Services. The Agreement comes into effect upon the User's acceptance of the Terms and remains valid for an indefinite period.
  • Application: ScreenStory MacOS application provided at www.screenstory.io where the Services are made available to the User.
  • Consumer: Any natural person who, in agreements, acts for purposes other than connected with business, economic, or craft activity, or freelance profession.
  • Content: Every electronic file or link that User uploads and stores on their ScreenStory Account.
  • Day: Calendar day.
  • Fees: Amounts of fees for the Services.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Rights associated with intangible assets owned by a person or company and protected against use without consent, such as copyrights, patents, domain names, confidential information, database rights, service marks, logos, trademarks, design rights, business or trade names, computer software.
  • Plan: A plan determining the objective scope of the Services and their duration selected by the User from among the options offered by Perfomante video ads UAB.
  • Pricing: Pricing available on our website here: https://www.screenstory.io/pricing.
  • Services: Any services provided by Perfomante video ads UAB involving the provision of functionalities of the Application and other services stated further in these Terms of Service.
  • Subscription Term: The period of Service provision whose length is determined by the Plan selected by the User and for which Fees are payable.
  • Terms: These General Terms of Use.
  • User: A user of the Application and the Services.

User Account and User Obligations

General and Technical Requirements for User's Account

To use ScreenStory, you must:

  • Be a natural person or legal person with full legal capacity.
  • Provide your legal full name, a valid email address, and any other information requested to complete the signup process.
  • Accept and respect the Terms of Service.

To use the Services, a device connected to the Internet and equipped with an appropriate web browser compliant with generally available technological standards for home and mobile devices is required.
To avoid potential threats, ScreenStory advises all Users to provide electronic devices that are connected to the Internet with an antivirus program and to constantly update it. To avoid potential threats, ScreenStory warns all Users against the potential threat related to the activity of the so-called hackers aimed at breaking into both the User's system and the ScreenStory. The data transmission costs required to download and use the website and Application are borne by the User himself. ScreenStory is not responsible for any limitations or technical problems in systems used by Users' devices that prevent or limit Users from using the Services.

Your Account can only be used by one individual. A single access code shared by multiple users is not permitted unless agreed upon with one of our representatives. You may create separate login accounts for as many people as your plan allows for. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your Account, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under the Account and any other actions taken in connection with the Account. You must immediately notify the ScreenStory team of any unauthorized uses of your Account or any other breaches of security. The ScreenStory team will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.
While we prohibit certain actions and Content, you understand and agree that we cannot be responsible for the full Content provided on the Services to which may be exposed to such materials. You agree to use the Application at your own risk.

Prohibited Content Creation and Users' Responsibilities

Under the terms of the agreement with ScreenStory, you are strictly prohibited from generating any content that violates legal, ethical, or proprietary norms. This section clarifies the types of content that are deemed unacceptable and outlines your responsibilities regarding content creation and management within your Account.

  1. Unlawful and Offensive Content Prohibition
    You are not permitted to use ScreenStory for the creation, upload, or dissemination of any content that is unlawful or breaches the accepted standards of decency. Specifically, the creation or circulation of pornographic, racist, or generally offensive content is strictly forbidden.
  2. Intellectual Property and Ownership
    You must ensure that all Content uploaded or created via your account does not infringe on the intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights, patents, trademarks, or trade secrets, of any third party. If the Content is derived from or created during the course of your employment, you must have either received explicit permission to use the content or have secured a waiver of all rights from your employer relating to such content.
  3. Compliance with Third-party Rights
    You must adhere to any third-party licenses associated with the Content, ensuring all stipulations are met to convey necessary rights and terms to end users.
  4. Content Integrity and Safety
    The Content must not contain or link to harmful elements such as viruses, malware, or other destructive features. It must also be free from spam, not generated by automation or random generation, and refrain from unethical practices aimed at manipulating traffic for third-party sites or engaging in unlawful acts like phishing.
  5. Respect for Personal Rights
    The Content must not be defamatory, libelous, or incite violence. It should respect the privacy and publicity rights of others and not contain threats against individuals or entities.
  6. Prohibition of Unsolicited Promotion
    Your Account should not be promoted through unsolicited electronic messages, such as spam links on newsgroups, email lists, blogs, and similar unsolicited promotional methods.
  7. Enforcement and Rights of ScreenStory
    ScreenStory retains the right, though not the obligation, to refuse or remove any content deemed harmful or objectionable at their sole discretion. Furthermore, ScreenStory may terminate access to the services or remove content without prior notification and is under no obligation to refund any payments in such instances.

By using the services of ScreenStory, you agree to abide by these conditions, ensuring that all content created or made available by you adheres to these guidelines. Any violation of these terms can result in immediate termination of your account and removal of offending content.

The Plans

The scope of provided services depends on the selected Plan and is indicated at https://www.screenstory.io/pricing. Before choosing any of the Plans, please see the existing limitations of this Plan.
Currently, ScreenStory offers Users several different Plans for access to and usage of the Application and the Services:

  1. Free-of-charge Plan;
  2. Paid Subscription Monthly Plan;
  3. Paid Subscription Yearly Plan.

The User may upgrade the Plan at any time within the Subscription Term. The change of the Plan takes place by purchasing the relevant Plan, whereby the foregoing provisions are applied accordingly. The Plan will be changed immediately after the payment made by the User. The Plan may be downgraded in the case of an annual settlement term only with the effect for the following annual Subscription Term.

Fees and Payments

The Services provided by ScreenStory require payment according to the Pricing Plan, scope, and Subscription Term selected by the User. The Subscription Term expires upon the end of the day which corresponds with its name or date to the commencement day of the Subscription Term, and if there is no such day in the following month – on the last day of the relevant month. Subscription Terms can be either monthly or annual. The prices listed in the Pricing are exclusive of taxes. Fees are non-refundable, except for Consumers.

Plans involve recurring Fees. These Fees are billed either monthly or annually. By submitting your payment details for recurring payments, you authorize the collection of these Fees using the provided payment information. If you wish to avoid these charges, you must either cancel your Plan via the subscription page in your Account or delete your Account from the system before the Subscription Term expires.
ScreenStory may update the Pricing terms without altering the Agreement during the current Subscription Term. If the Agreement is not terminated at the end of the Subscription Term, the updated Pricing will apply in the next term. Subscription Fees must be paid in advance as outlined in the Plan for the length of the Agreement. Invoices are sent electronically to the User’s email. If the User does not pay the Fee and misses another payment deadline after a reminder, ScreenStory can block the Account, which can be unblocked upon payment of the outstanding Fee.

In cases where your subscription begins with a free trial, you will not be charged until the trial period ends. Should you not wish to be billed, you must cancel your subscription before the trial period concludes.


Except for Consumers, all payments and fees are non-refundable. Consumers can cancel the Agreement within 14 days without providing a reason. The period to withdraw from the Agreement is 14 days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement. To exercise the right to withdraw from the Agreement, the Consumer must inform ScreenStory of their decision to withdraw from the Agreement through an explicit statement, such as a letter sent by post or e-mail. In order to meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send a notice regarding their exercise of the right to withdraw before the withdrawal period has expired. If the Consumer withdraws from the Agreement, the refund shall be executed using the same means of payment that were initially used, without any additional costs.


This Agreement is effective until terminated by either ScreenStory or the User. Users may terminate this Agreement at any time by canceling their subscription via the subscription page in their Account or by deleting their Account. If you have a subscription to a Plan that involves Fees, canceling your subscription will result in an immediate downgrade to the Free Plan. If you cancel during a trial period, your account will remain active until the trial period ends. In the case of Consumers, they may withdraw from the Agreement in accordance with Section 8.3. ScreenStory may terminate this Agreement with the User immediately, without prior notice if the User does not comply with these Terms, violates the law, or fails to pay Fees. Upon termination, all Content linked to your Account will be deleted.


We take your privacy seriously. Please see our Privacy Policy for more details.

Intellectual Property

ScreenStory is the sole owner or licensee of the Application and all its features, functionalities, and content. The Application and its materials are protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of both Lithuania and foreign countries. All rights are reserved. You may not use any part of the materials on our site for commercial purposes without obtaining a license to do so from us or our licensors.

Limitation of Liability

ScreenStory provides the Services on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We do not guarantee that the Application will be uninterrupted, error-free, or free of harmful components. You use the Application at your own risk. To the extent permitted by law, ScreenStory is not liable for any damages, including but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, resulting from your use of the Services. ScreenStory's liability is limited to the amount paid by you to ScreenStory during the 12 months before the event giving rise to the liability.

Governing Law

These Terms of Service are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Lithuania. The courts of Lithuania will have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising from or related to these Terms.

Changes to the Terms of Service

ScreenStory reserves the right to modify or replace these Terms at any time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Terms on our website and informing you via email. By continuing to access or use our Services after the changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Terms.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at team@screenstory.io.